Career Clarity Coaching in NJ

career clarity, major clarity, college major, post grad career, career coach

Feeling Lost? Confused? Stuck?

Get the clarity you’re seeking with our Career Clarity Coach.

Are you in college and unhappy with your current major or enrolled as undecided and are still unsure of what to pursue?

Have you entered the workforce but are dissatisfied with your current career and don’t know what else you could do?

Book a Career Clarity session today!

Meaghan McNamee

Meet Meaghan, Career Clarity Coach

Meaghan has always been fascinated by careers and how and why we choose what we do in this world. As a middle school counselor, she developed a career counseling program from scratch. Later, as a high school counselor, she administered the Myers-Briggs Personality Test every chance she could. As an independent counselor, she thoroughly enjoys the conversations about students’ interests, their possible career choices, and how they relate to their major in college.

Through her work as an educator and counselor, she has developed a proven program of success for helping others find clarity in their careers, no matter what age!

Like all consultants at Clear Directions, Meaghan is available to meet with students virtually as well as in person at our office.

What To Expect- College Students:

-One-on-one career coaching sessions either in-person or over Zoom

-Develop a better understanding of how your past and current experiences in both the academic and work/internship world relate to your future career path

-Clarity on your top interests, strengths, natural talents, innate motivations, and both personal and work values and how they connect to your career

-A detailed Career Profile with the top 3 best-fit careers as well as recommendations for majors/minors offered at your specific college

-Recommendations on academic/non-academic activities that will assist you in getting your ‘feet wet’ in your chosen path.



What To Expect- Post-Grad Students:

-One-on-one career coaching sessions either in-person or over Zoom

-Develop a better understanding of how your past and current experiences in both the academic and work/internship world relate to your future career path

-Clarity on your top interests, strengths, natural talents, innate motivations, and both personal and work values and how they connect to your career 

-A detailed Career Profile with the top 3 best-fit careers and industries/sectors you are most aligned with (including ideas you didn’t know existed!)

-Understanding of how to address skill gaps in education and experience

-Updated resume tailored to your new career path to highlight transferable skills, emphasize relevant experience and rebrand yourself to fit the industry's needs.

-Brand new cover letter to stand out and make a strong first impression


Don't let the uncertainty of the future hold you back. Take control of your career path with our help. Schedule a meeting with us today and let's start your journey to success.


Let’s Get in Touch!